Thursday, December 31, 2015


 Thank You to all my fans on my blog from around the world.  Thank you for giving to me your time to read my blog about my beloved Jeannette.  This blog has really helped me to cope with the loss of her.  In the beginning it was so difficult for me to put words in writing because I was emotional and could not cope with her loss.  It was years ago that I started to self medicate with this blog.  I do not quite understand it but just writing about her really has helped me.  So again, thank you all from the bottom of my heart.  MAY 2016 BRING YOU ALL THE HAPPINESS IN THE WORLD.

Tonight a group of close friends will meet up to help ring in the new year.  Last year I stayed home but made a vow to myself to never do that again due to all the gun fire when the clock struck 12:00 and the new year rang in.  Tonight, I will be enjoying my friends company and listening to music and especially not hearing the gun fire. 

Jeannette loved celebrating New Year's Eve and would call me on January 1st and tell me all about the fun she had the night before.  I know she will not be calling me tomorrow morning so I  made up my mind to think positive.  I will imagine Jeannette in Heaven with Jesus and rejoicing and especially in no pain.  My daughter will be smiling.

I will smile tomorrow morning when I think of her. 


Saturday, December 5, 2015


Saturday and still in my PJ's enjoying my third cup of coffee here in my comfy home in Fresno, California.  I live in the middle of town on a quiet street full of big beautiful trees that are shedding leaves all over the neighborhood.  It is a street that had the privilege of having Jeannette visit it one day in 2008.  She walked into the home and immediately wanted to know which were her nieces bedrooms as she made her way down the hallway.  Bianca and Ashlee smiled and hugged their loving auntie as she told them that she was going to Bed Bath n Beyond and buying them the whole set for their bedrooms.  Before I could blink an eye, all three were in her big SUV heading down the street and to the store.  They returned holding big bags of comforters, sheets, pillows and accessories for their individual bedrooms.  Jeannette told me that her biggest joy in life was making her family happy. 

During her last Thanksgiving in Fresno she expressed to all of us how much she loved us.  Just having her at the dinner table smiling back at me made me happy.  I knew she didn't eat nothing on her plate and I also knew she was in pain but I had to hide my tears in order not to spoil her hidden battle going on inside her body so that she could make all the family believe she was "Just Fine," when they asked her how she was.  My beautiful daughter, oh how I miss her.  She loved all her friends, family and especially our living God. 

That is why she lives in Heaven now.