Monday, April 25, 2016



Thinking of her early this morning.  Her purse is hanging on a hook on my closet door and that is the first thing my eyes saw when I opened them.  Jeannette's life was a Blessing, her memory a treasure.  She is loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.  If I could see her one more day, I would hug her so tight and tell her all about the family.  She would be so proud of her nephews and nieces just as I am. 


Monday, April 4, 2016

Jeannette is in Heaven

Monday morning and oh what a beautiful one it is.  Positive energy all around me.  My daughter brought me breakfast in bed and also surprised me with pan dulce(Mexican sweet bread) from my favorite bakery located on Fruit and Shields.  The Mi Ranchito bakery.  It's always packed early in the morning with people buying up delicious sweet stuff.

Living a good life with my family and loving God.  All my days are filled with love. 

Look! I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me to repay each person according to what he has done.

-Revelation 22:12