Jeannette's nephews are now 10 n 11 years old. They were such little boys when she passed away but they remember her so well. Jeannette left a most important impact on their lives. She was a wonderful mom to her four children. We all miss her so much. As Christmas comes to us this week I get emotional just thinking of her n all the previous years before she passed that she made so memorable with her love for us. She loved decorating her home and making it so warm n welcoming. She was known for wearing shorts in winter time. I would gasp when she would come visit me wearing shirts n flip flops. We would both laugh n at times she invited me to go eat ice-cream. I would ask her to put pants on n she would laugh n say she wasn't cold. Jeannette was amazing n wonderful n I miss her so very much. Merry Christmas in Heaven to my baby. My Nettle Poodle.