Thursday, August 13, 2015


It is early morning and I am about to get ready but first thing I do even before I get out of my comfy bed is to thank Jesus for giving me this beautiful day.  I always start my mornings with coffee.  One day not too long ago, I was in a hurry in the morning and didn't have time to make coffee so off I went in my car.  Within an hour, my head began to hurt and all of a sudden a migraine headache came on.  My body was craving coffee.  Thank God the secretary at the office I was in offered me coffee.  After I drank a bit, my migraine headache was gone. 

 I think back to 2008 and at Jeannette's home in Thousand Oaks, California.  It was early morning too as I made my way to her lovely kitchen and began to make a big pot of coffee for her.  After it was done, I went into her bedroom and gave her a cup.  Nobody had to tell me she was in pain.  I could see the look on her face but in seconds she smiled and said to me, "Ma, can you put my coffee into the pink Breast Cancer awareness mug located on top shelf, please."  I went back into the kitchen and did as she had asked me then brought it to her.  She had a bigger smile on her face then.  I made sure to make her happy even if it was just changing mugs.

 My daughter was the most important person in my life.  I cherished every minute spent with her. 

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